Our Team

The Team

The people behind the Chemical Probes Portal.

Paul Workman
Executive Director
Institute of Cancer Research
Bissan Al-Lazikani
Director of Informatics & Technologies
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Aled Edwards
Director of Genomics
University of Toronto
Susanne Müller-Knapp
Director of Operations
Goethe Universität Frankfurt
Paul Brennan
Director of Chemistry
University of Oxford
Ben Bellenie
Associate Director of Chemistry
Institute of Cancer Research
Albert Antolin
Associate Director of Chemoinformatics
IDIBELL and the Catalan Institute of Oncology
Domenico Sanfelice
Chemical Biology Curator
Institute of Cancer Research
Alisa Crisp
Science Training and Communications Officer
Institute of Cancer Research
Muge Sarper
Scientific Coordinator
Institute of Cancer Research
Yi Chen
Software Developer
Institute of Cancer Research
Ioan L. Mica
Front-End Developer
MD Anderson external contractor

Board of Governors

Chaired by Milka Kostić, and composed of experts representing broad areas of chemical biology, disease research and computational research. The Board of Governors provides oversight on the operations and strategic development of the Chemical Probes Portal.

Milka Kostić
Program Director
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Alessio Ciulli
Principal investigator within the Division of Biological Chemistry and Drug Discovery
School of Life Sciences, Dundee
Akane Kawamura
Professor of Chemical Biology
Newcastle University
Laetitia Martin
Project Leader
Roche (Basel, Switzerland)
Osamu Nakanishi
CSO, Board of Directors
EditForce, Inc.
Jonathan S. Rosenblum
Vice President
ActivX Biosciences
Maria Laura Bolognesi
Professor of Medicinal Chemistry
University of Bologna
Nir London
Associate Professor
Department of Chemical and Structural Biology Weizmann Institute of Science

The US Board oversees the Chemical Probes Portal company.

Tim Willson
Alison Axtman
David Drewry

Our grateful thanks to the original Board members who set up the Chemical Probes Portal in 2015: Aled Edwards, Paul Workman, Herbert Waldmann, Tim Willson, Yung Lie and Mark Bunnage.

Scientific Expert Review Panel (SERP)

Our Scientific Expert Review Panel (SERP) consists of a diverse group of scientific thought leaders from the areas of chemical biology, medicinal chemistry, pharmacology and related disciplines. SERP members provide expert knowledge, evaluation and guidance on chemical probes. They generously provide their expertise and time to inform on the best probes available for a particular experiment, or cellular or in vivo experiments and recommend best practices for using them.

If you would like to join our Scientific Expert Review Panel, please apply here.

Suzanne Ackloo
Drew Adams
Gizem Akcay
Hassan Al-Ali
Courtney Aldrich
Karl-Heinz Altmann
Richard Angell
Cheryl Arrowsmith
Douglas Auld
Alison Axtman
Anders Bach
Keriann Backus
Jonathan Baell
Paul Bamborough
Dalia Barsyte-Lovejoy
Petr Bartunek
Matthias Baud
Ben Bellenie
Ellen L. Berg
Vishal Birar
Julian Blagg
Mark Blaskovich
Léa Bouché
Justin Bower
Michael Brands
Peter J. Brown
Carla Brown
Andreas Brunschweiger
Sara Buhrlage
Alex Bullock
Mark Bunnage
Stephen K. Burley
Neil Carragher
Paola Castaldi
John Christopher
Chun-wa Chung
Ian Churcher
Jean-Christophe Cintrat
Alessio Ciulli
Paul Clemons
Michael S. Cohen
Jesse Coker
Daniel Conole
Kevin Dack
Jayme L. Dahlin
Han Dai
F. Jeffrey Dilworth
David H. Drewry
Matthew Duncton
Adam Durbin
Ivan Efremov
Michael Erb
Daniel A. Erlanson
William Farnaby
Fleur Ferguson
Christian Fischer
Paul V. Fish
Stephen Frye
Jennie Ge
Matthias Gehringer
Malte Gersch
Jason E. Gestwicki
Jennifer E. Golden
Keith Graham
Nathanael Gray
David Gray
Samantha Green
Charles E. Grimshaw
Sheraz Gul
Anna-Lena Gustavsson
R. Kip Guy
Kamyar Hadian
Stephen J. Haggarty
Thomas Hanke
Ingo Hartung
Jag Heer
Tom D. Heightman
Erik Hett
Swen Hoelder
Corey R Hopkins
Huang Huang
Kim Huard
Kilian Huber
David Huggins
Clarence R. Hurt
Methvin Isaac
Tasuku Ishida
Andrey Ivanov
Lindsey James
Jeremy L. Jenkins
Douglas Johnson
Clifford D. Jones
Lyn Jones
Allan M. Jordan
Manfred Jung
Akane Kawamura
Stefan Knapp
Bryan Knuckley
Manfred Koegl
Stefan Kubicek
Peter Kutchukian
Marie-Hélène Larraufie
Stefan Laufer
Jonathan Lee
Guillaume Lessene
Yung S Lie
Charles Lin
Matthew Lindon
Minkui Lou
Thomas Lundbäck
Kevin R Lynch
David Maloney
Laetitia Martin
Hisanori Matsui
Mark McLaughlin
Guillaume Medard
Jordan Meier
Daniel Merk
Jordi Mestres
Michael Michaelides
Dragos Paul Mihai
Aubry Miller
Shailesh Mistry
John Moffat
Rita Moita-Santos
Andrii Monastyrskyi
Xavier Morelli
Gerhard Mueller
Anke Mueller-Fahrnow
Lenka Munoz
Ravi Munuganti
Stephanie Myers
Osamu Nakanishi
Feng Ni
Václav Němec
Ronan C. O'Hagan
Dafydd Owen
Ville Paavilainen
Seung Bum Park
Elisa Pasqua
Maurizio Pellecchia
Randall Peterson
Gennady Poda
Daniel J. Price
Panagiotis (Takis) Prinos
Nigel Ramsden
Zoran Rankovic
Joanna M Redmond
Matthew Robers
James Robinson
Saul Rosenberg
Jonathan S. Rosenblum
Bryan Roth
Joachim Rudolph
Sandra Röhm
Kumar Singh Saikatendu
Tomi K. Sawyer
Gianluca Sbardella
Oliver Schadt
Brian Schoichet
Stuart L. Schreiber
Duncan Scott
Jason Sheltzer
Jake Shortt
David P. Siderovski
John Skidmore
Matt Soellner
Christopher Southan
Holger Stark
Alexander V. Statsyuk
Mario van der Stelt
Paul Stupple
Martin E Swarbrick
Ramzi Sweis
Arindam Talukdar
Craig Thomas
Paul Thompson
Leticia Toledo-Sherman
Peter Tonge
Paul Trippier
David Uehling
Motonari Uesugi
Michaela Vallin
James Vasta
Anil Vasudevan
Vishal Verma
Fabien Vincent
Elena De Vita
Bridget K. Wagner
Herbert Waldmann
Chris Walpole
Simon E. Ward
Mike Waring
Harald Weinstabl
Carrow Wells
Tim Willson
Georg Winter
Christina Woo
Lars Wortmann
Minoru Yoshida
Damian Young
Arie Zask
Giovanna Zinzalla
William J. Zuercher