Inhibitor of MLLT1, MLLT3



  • MLLT1
  • MLLT3
  • Inhibitor

In Vitro Validations

Uniprot ID: Q03111
Target Class: Epigenetic
Target SubClass: YEATS
Potency: IC 50
Potency Value: 260 nM
Potency Assay: Alpha-Screen
PDB ID for probe-target interaction (3D structure): 6HT1
Structure-activity relationship: yes
Target aliases:
Protein ENL, YEATS1, LTG19, ENL, MLLT1, ENL_HUMAN, ...

DOI Reference: 10.1002/anie.201810617

Uniprot ID: Q03111
Target Class: Epigenetic
Target SubClass: YEATS
Potency: Kd
Potency Value: 129 nM
Potency Assay: ITC
PDB ID for probe-target interaction (3D structure): --
Target aliases:
Protein ENL, YEATS1, LTG19, ENL, MLLT1, ENL_HUMAN, ...

DOI Reference: 10.1002/anie.201810617

In Cell Validations

In Vivo Data

No in Vivo Validations

Off-Target Selectivity Assesments

Probe Selectivity in Vitro:
Profiling of SGC-iMLLT against YEATS2 and YEATS4 revealed excellent selectivity for MLLT1/3 with no activity observed (YEATS2/4 IC50 >10 μm). Profiling against a selection of bromodomains showed complete selectivity: no inhibition of BRD4 (I), CBP, TAF1, CECR2, and FALZ (10 μM using AS). Validated in a thermal shift assay, SGC-iMLLT showed no activity against 48 bromodomains (@ 50 μM).
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SERP ratings and comments

SERP Ratings

In Cell Rating

SERP Comments:

SGC-iMLLT was developed based on a low micromolar MLLT1 YEATS domain inhibitor which was identified in a medium throughput screening campaign using AlphaScreen technology. Docking studies utilizing an available crystal structure of MLLT1:H3Kac27 peptide (PDB ID 5J9S) guided the design approach and medicinal chemistry efforts to yield SGC-iMLLT including extensive SAR studies (>200 derivatives). SGC-iMLLT is a selective inhibitor of the YD of MLLT-1 and -3 with no observed off-target activity against related acyllysine reading domains (10 µM compound concentration, AlphaScreen) and 48 recombinant human bromodomain proteins (50 µM compound concentration, thermal shift assay). The binding mode of SGC-iMLLT to MLLT1 YD was deciphered using X-ray crystallography (PDB ID 6HT1) confirming its interaction with the Kac/Kcr binding site of MLLT1 YD. Target engagement was demonstrated by CETSA (MV-4-11 cells, MLLT1) as well as FRAP (U2OS cells transfected with GFP‐tagged MLLT1 and MLLT3), and NanoBRET (HEK293 cells, MLLT3) studies. Moreover, SGC-iMLLT reduces MYC, DDN expression while it increases CD86 expression in MV-4-11 AML. Metabolic stability of SGC-iMLLT was investigated in primary human hepatocytes demonstrating moderate metabolic resistance (t1/2 53 min). The primary metabolic process was determined to be N-demethylation. However, SGC-iMLLT was not used in in vivo studies. SGC-iMLLT is structurally similar to NVS-MLLT-1.

(last updated: 19 Apr 2021 )

SERP+ Ratings

In Cell Rating

SERP+ Comments:

The compound shows potency of IC50: 300 nM in a cell free assay and should be used in cellular assays up to 1 uM. No data are available assessing its toxicity or suitability for in vivo use. No efficacy data are shown for in vivo suitability and few DMPK data are available, showing a rapid metabolism by hepatocytes with a half-life of 53 min. Caveat: Desmotropie (stable benzimidazole isomers), i.e. compound can be drawn in different versions.

(last updated: 22 Mar 2023 )